Sunday, September 13, 2009

Sunday morning

On the way home from church we stopped to pick up a couple of breakfast tacos. Breakfast #1 for me and #2 for Denny. Then after changing clothes, I checked my email. I was saddened to see that the son of friends of ours back in Missouri has leukemia. He is in the hospital and will be there for 4 weeks of chemo. Our hearts go out to them. He is married and has 2 small children. We will keep them in our prayers.

Most of today I intend to work on newborn baby quilts for airmen. Since Denny is retired from the Air Force we are still involved in things on base and this is a nice way to give back to the community. The quilts tops are very colorful and turning out nicely. Now just to get them quilted!

We talked to daughter #1 and her family yesterday in Naples, Italy. Her husband is in the Air Force and they are stationed there. This past week they took a trip to Pisa. The trip was mainly for their little boy who turned 7 and wanted to see the Leaning Tower of Pisa for his birthday. They took some wonderful photos and of course of the children were "holding up" the leaning tower.

Yesterday I spent some time looking thru my new cookbook, "Mastering the Art of French Cooking" purchased after seeing the movie "Julie and Julia". It looks quite interesting - every recipe appears to be extremely long since pages are devoted to even the most minute of details. I did see a few that I would like to try, so maybe this week we will have some French cuisine.

I also ordered a new phone that has GPS capabilities - I am very looking forward to receiving it and getting to try it out. I'll have to let you know how that works out.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

The Beginning - My Very First Post

Well, you have to start somewhere and finally after months of thinking about it - today is the day! I have wondered if I really have anything interesting enough to write about but I guess time will tell. SO, let's get started.

Today is a cloudy day, but I am not complaining. The slightest possibility of rain is welcome. After such a hot summer - 59 days of over 100 degree temperatures - I am looking forward to fall. Fall is my favorite season. Time for soups and stews, time to start planning for Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas. Lots of opportunities for decorating the house, both inside and out. And of course, pulling out your favorite quilts.

Did anyone see "Julie and Julia?" I thought it was a good movie, although Denny thought it was a chick flick. The last movie we saw before that was "The Time Traveler's Wife." We went with our son and daughter in law. They didn't like it as much as we did because they both had read the book. Apparently, it was quite different.

That's all for now. Talk to you tomorrow.